[15] Real-time Detection of Chlorine Gas using Ni/Si Shell/Core Nanowires
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[16] Selective adsorption of metal nanowires on molecularly patterned substrates using surface- to-volume ratio-dependent strategies
D.-J. Lee*, K. Heo*, H. Lee, H. Chang, B. Y. Lee, Appl. Phys. Express, 7, (11) 115001
[17] Direct-write Complementary Graphene Field Effect Transistors and Junctions via Near-field
J. Chang, Y. Liu, K. Heo, B. Y. Lee, S.-W. Lee, L. Lin, Small, 10, (10) 1920
[18] Graphene-based Materials functionalized with Elastin-like Polypeptides
E. Wang, M. S. Desai, K. Heo, S.-W. Lee, Langmuir, 30, (8) 2223
[19] Biomimetic Virus-Based Colourimetric Sensors
J.-W. Oh, W.-J. Chung, K. Heo, H.-E. Jin, B. Y. Lee, E. Wang, J. Meyer, M. Zemla, M. Auer, A. Hexemer, S.-W. Lee, Nat. Commun., 5, (0) 3043
[20] Observation of localized strains on vertically grown single-walled carbon nanotube
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J. Park, K. Heo, S. Hong, Y.-S. Min, M.-J. Seong, Nanotechnology, 25, (2) 025705
[21] Plasmon−Exciton Interactions in Hybrid Structures of Au Nanohemispheres and
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A. I. Maaroof, H. Lee, K. Heo, J. Park, D. Cho, B. Y. Lee, M.-J. Seong, S. Hong, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117,
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[22] Multilayered nano-prism vertex tips for tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and imaging
T. Kim, K.-S. Jeon, K. Heo, H. M. Kim, J. Park, Y. D. Suh, S. Hong, Analyst, 138, (19) 5588
[23] Sub-Diffraction Limit Imaging of Inorganic Nanowire Networks interfacing Cells
J. Park, J. Lee, S. Namgung, K. Heo, H. Lee, S. Hohng, S. Hong, Small, 10, (3) 462
[24] Quantum dot-engineered M13 virus layer-by-layer composite films for highly selective and sensitive turn-on TNT sensors
H. Jin, N. Won, B. Ahn, J. Kwag, K. Heo, J.-W. Oh, Y. Sun, S. G. Cho, S.-W. Lee, S. Kim, Chem. Commun., 49, (54) 6045
[25] Reply to Comment on 'Metallic nanowire-graphene hybrid nanostructures for highly
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J. Park, K. Heo, S. Hong, Y.-S. Min, M.-J. Seong, Nanotechnology, 25, (2) 025705
[26] Graphene-nanowire hybrid structures for high-performance photoconductive devices
H. Lee*, K. Heo*, J. Park, Y. Park, S. Noh, K. S. Kim, C. Lee, B. H. Hong, J. Jian, S. Hong,
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[27] Nanotube-Bridged Wires with Sub-10 nm Gaps
B. Y. Lee*, K. Heo*, A. L. Schmucker, H. J. Jin, J. K. Lim, T. Kim, H. Lee, K.-S. Jeon, Y. D. Suh, C. A. Mirkin, S. Hong, Nano Lett., 12, (4) 1879
[28] High-Performance Photoconductive Channels Based on (Carbon Nanotube)-(CdS Nanowire) Hybrid Nanostructures
H. Lee, K. Heo, A. Maaroof, Y. Park, S. Noh, J. Park, J. Jian, C. Lee, M.-J. Seong, S. Hong,
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[29] Aligned networks of cadmium sulfide nanowires for highly flexible photodetectors with improved photoconductive responses
K. Heo*, H. Lee*, Y. Park, J. Park, H.-J. Lim, D. Yoon, C. Lee, M. Kim, H. Cheong, J. Park, J. Jian, S. Hong, J. Mater. Chem., 22, (5) 2173
[30] A facile, one-pot synthesis of ultra-long nanoparticle-chained polyaniline wires
T. Kim, K. Heo, K.-S. Jeon, J. Park, K.-E. Byun, M. Kim, Y. D. Suh, S. Hong, N.-J. Kim,
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[31] Scanning Noise Microscopy on Graphene Devices
M. G. Sung, H. Lee, K. Heo, K.-E. Byun, T. Kim, D. H. Seo, S. Seo, S. Hong, ACS Nano, 5, (11) 8620
[32] Metallic nanowire-graphene hybrid nanostructures for highly flexible field emission devices
M. Arif*, K. Heo*, B. Y. Lee, J. Lee, D. H. Seo, S. Seo, J. Jian, S. Hong, Nanotechnology, 22, (35) 355709
[33] Determination of Mechanical Properties of Single-Crystal CdS Nanowires from Dynamic Flexural Measurements of Nanowire Mechanical Resonators
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[34] Electrical immunosensor based on a submicron-gap interdigitated electrode and
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J. Ahn, T. H. Lee, T. Li, K. Heo, S. Hong, J. Ko, Y. Kim, Y.-B. Shin, M.-G. Kim,
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[35] Carbon nanotube-metal nano-laminate for enhanced mechanical strength and electrical conductivity
B. Kim, J. Im, B. Y. Lee, M. G. Sung, K. Heo, J. H. Bak, Y. D. Park, S. Hong, Carbon, 49, (7) 2549
[36] Effects of tensile stress on the resonant response of Al thin-film and Al-CNT nanolaminate nanomechanical beam resonators
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[37] Carbon Nanotube Monolayer Cues for Osteogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
K. Y. Baik, S. Y. Park, K. Heo, K.-B. Lee, S. Hong, Small, 7, (6) 741
[38] Atomic Layer Deposition of Ni Thin Films and Application to Area-Selective Deposition
W.-H. Kim, H.-B.-R. Lee, K. Heo, Y. K. Lee, T.-M. Chung, C. G. Kim, S. Hong, J. Heo, H. Kim,
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[39] Large-scale assembly of highly flexible low-noise devices based on silicon nanowires
K. Heo, J. W. Park, J.-E. Yang, J. Koh, J.-H. Kwon, Y. M. Jhon, M. Kim, M.-H. Jo, S. Hong, Nanotechnology, 21, (14) 145302 (6pp)
[40] Functionalization of Silicon Nanowires with Actomyosin Motor Protein for Bioinspired Nanomechanical Applications
K.-E. Byun, K. Heo, S. Shim, H.-J. Choi, S. Hong, Small, 5, (23) 2659
[41] High Quality Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition Co Using Ammonia Gas as a Reactant
H.-B.-R. Lee, W.-H. Kim, J. W. Lee, J.-M. Kim, K. Heo, I. C. Hwang, Y. Park, S. Hong, H. Kim,
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[42] Massive integration of inorganic nanowire-based structures on solid substrates for device applications
K. Heo, C.-J. Kim, M.-H. Jo, S. Hong, J. Mater. Chem., 19, (7) 901
[43] Scalable Assembly Method of Vertically-Suspended and Stretched Carbon Nanotube Network Devices for Nanoscale Electro-Mechanical Sensing Components
B. Y. Lee, K. Heo, J. H. Bak, S. U. Cho, S. Moon, Y. D. Park, S. Hong, Nano Lett., 8, (12) 4483
[44] Large-Scale Assembly of Silicon Nanowire Network-Based Devices Using Conventional Microfabrication Facilities
K. Heo, E. Cho, J.-E. Yang, M.-H. Kim, M. Lee, B. Y. Lee, S. G. Kwon, M.-S. Lee, M.-H. Jo, H.-J. Choi, T. Hyeon, S. Hong, Nano Lett., 8, (12) 4523
[45] 'Focused' assembly of V2O5 nanowire masks for the fabrication of metallic nanowire sensors
K. Heo, E. Cho, J.-E. Yang, M.-H. Kim, M. Lee, B. Y. Lee, S. G. Kwon, M.-S. Lee, M.-H. Jo, H.-J. Choi, T. Hyeon, S. Hong, Nano Lett., 8, (12) 4523